I know, we are suppose to hate TMN cuz they are liars that post mean things and blah blah blah. Everyone reads them, some just don't admit it. And yeah, they do get awful at times. I, myself, have made the pages. But since then, I realize they are like the National Inquirer: interesting to read but not to take too seriously. All that was so I could post this link: The Undead Parrot Sketch.
Moving on.
GJWHF3: Debbie hasn't been doing that great but hey, I have been having fun sharing my Louisiana know-how with others. Sadly, my laziness has prevented me from not updating my modeling blog. I will have to research my old scores to get caught up.
Stories: In Harmony is still on hold due to the recent installment of the Pets expansion pack. I want to make sure things are running smoothly before opening it. But a while back, I had posted the founder of my legacy. I had a background story on him and everything. But just no drive to start one yet. Well, I have! You can check it out here. A Man and His Dog: The Montoya Legacy
We had a big influx of members join Simpure due to Fel making the MS3B with her patterns. Most were just looking for the cc but some have stayed on to chat and post a bit. I still keep up with FB and Twitter responsibilities (mon-fri usually. We have had a couple of scheduled chats and what-nots. *meh* It shard to schedule them as we are all on different time zones.
In RL: It's fall, and the weather is nice. The kids are busy with festivals and pumpkin related schooling. I had hopes of having a new dining room or Thanksgiving but I don't think we are going to make it. Such is life.
YAY! I love to hear from B! ;) Debbie is one of my favorites for GJWHF, but shhhhh...don't tell anyone else! ;)